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Butyl rubber main use instructions

Time:2018.09.27 Views: Source:Shanghai Xujing TIAN TIAN RUBBER & Plastic Co. Ltd.

  It is used to make inner tubes for various tires, inner liners for tubeless tires, and various sealing gaskets. It is used as a lining, pipe and conveyor belt for corrosive liquid containers in the chemical industry, and is used as a waterproof material in agriculture.

  In 2005, China's butyl rubber consumption was nearly 150,000 tons, domestic butyl rubber was less than 30,000 tons, and 80% relied on imports. From 1999 to 2004, the average annual growth rate of imports was 26.9%. As the price of the international oil market continues to rise, the price of butyl rubber is also rising. In recent years, the price of butyl rubber has been around 15,000 yuan/T, and the increase has been above 32,000 yuan/T. Although the price of butyl rubber products has increased, the overall price increase does not exceed 30%, far from the doubling of the price of butyl rubber. Therefore, many companies using butyl rubber turned their attention to the best alternative to butyl rubber - butyl recycled rubber.

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